There is a defining moment in the life of a man or a woman when they make “the decision”.  Their life will no longer be the same after that point.  It will alter how they react in different circumstances.  It will alter their thought patterns and their behavior.  So what is “the decision”?

Lets go back in time prior to when the decision is made.

We as humans have seen evil – whether it be in person, or in the media via news, or entertainment.  We see the bad guy trying to enforce his evil intent upon good people.  We always cheer for the good guy – because – we like to think that good triumphs over evil.  But HOW exactly does good ultimately triumph over evil?

The answer is simple.  Evil is defeated when GOOD PEOPLE stand up to evil and STOP it.  If good people don’t stand up to evil and stop it – EVIL WILL PREVAIL.  EVIL WILL WIN.

The majority of us on the planet are good people.  We want good things to happen to us and our families and friends.  We cheer when we see good things happen.  We want to help others.  So, it can be difficult for some good people to recognize that evil exits in the world.  And that evil wants only bad things to happen to us, our families and friends.

There comes a point in a persons life (typically after an encounter with evil or real tragedy in the news) where you begin to recognize that perhaps evil will “find” you.  Whether it be at a mall, in a school, in a movie theater, on the street, in your home, or even in your car – evil can find you.  Somewhere in that myriad of thoughts rolling around in your head will come the question, “what will I do when evil finds me”?

Some will only fleetingly entertain that thought – and then almost immediately lie to themselves that “it will never happen to me”.  Interestingly enough – that is the phrase most often uttered in the aftermath of evil – “I never thought this would happen to me!”

Others will lie to themselves that they will be rescued in the nick of time by the police wearing white hats.  Of course the police don’t wear white hats (they typically wear very dark blue or black hats) and their track record of rescuing people that are in the jaws of evil is dismally low.  Police typically show up AFTER evil has run its course.  The cops then do what they can to capture the bad guys.  However – that doesn’t really help you when you are “in the moment” and confronted with evil.

And then there is the person (maybe you) – that after honestly posing the question “what will I do when evil finds me?” – comes up with *nothing*.  You don’t know what you will do.  DON’T WORRY – you are facing REALITY.  Not knowing what to do tells you that you are being 100% completely honest with yourself.  That is a good place to be.  That will allow you to find answers.  Most people don’t get this far – they turn back instead.

You are now faced with a choice. The choice is – will I find options for myself on what I could do?  Or will I bury my head back in the sand and tell myself it will never happen to me.  Hopefully you will start entertaining ideas on what you can do when evil finds you.

If you are that person – that is not willing to be an ostrich and bury your head in the sand – read on.

It is now that you will be faced with “the decision”. 

Are willing to take another person’s life?  The immediate response with most healthy people is “I don’t want to kill anyone”.  So…lets put the question in proper context.  An evil person is intent on causing grave bodily harm and irreparable psychological damage on your son or daughter.  As a consequence of stopping the evil – you may end up killing the bad guy.  It that something you are willing to do?  Most people that have gotten this far into the decision making process will answer “yes”.  Just to reassure you – it is morally and legally justifiable to use lethal force to STOP evil from being committed when someone’s life is perceived to be in danger. (Of course the laws in your particular location must be researched and understood – as the conditions will vary from locality to locality.)  If you are willing to use lethal force to stop evil from being committed against your loved ones – are you willing to stop evil from being committed against someone you don’t know?

If the answer is “yes” – you have made “the decision“.  You have separated yourself from those that are not willing to do so.  You have now made the first step on the path to becoming the person with the “white hat”.  The person that will stand up to evil and do all in his power to STOP IT.  You have removed yourself from the ranks of being a victim and put yourself in the ranks of those brave enough to triumph over evil.

You deserve to be congratulated.

Now however is when the real work begins.  You must learn and develop your Warrior TETRAD in order to effectively protect those that have chosen (for whatever reason) to remain victims.  Let me know how I can help you in this process – and – WELCOME ABOARD.